
Masukkan angka pada kolom apa saja - yang lain menghitung mundur sendiri.
Jika anda mengubah angka pada kolom apa saja, yang lain juga secara otomatis akan dihitung ulang.
Anda dapat memasukkan titik desimal atau koma desimal.

f =
k =
λ =
λ/2 =
λ/4 =
λ 5/8 =
6 angka

Jika terjadi kesalahan NaN, pastikan anda memasukkan nilai yang benar pada kolom, yaitu tanpa huruf, dan karakter lain.

Reduction factor

For calculation of symmetry loops and stubs from the coaxial cable, it is necessary to take into account the shortening factor k. For coaxial cable with foam dielectric is k = 0.81 and for polyethylene dielectric cable is k = 0.66.
The truncation factor must not be zero.
If you do not understand the antenna technique, keep the reduction factor 1 at all times.


λ = 300 / f [m]
f = 300 / λ [MHz]
Panjang gelombang rumus

λ … length of one wave

T … time

Comprimento de onda e frequência

For more information on how to calculate the wavelength and frequency, see Wikipedia encyclopedia under the appropriate terms (see links below).

Perhitungan panjang gelombang online
